Disconnects one or more drivers from a controller.

@paramin ControllerHandle The handle of the controller from which driver(s) are to be disconnected. @paramin DriverImageHandle The driver to disconnect from ControllerHandle. If DriverImageHandle is NULL, then all the drivers currently managing ControllerHandle are disconnected from ControllerHandle. @paramin ChildHandle The handle of the child to destroy. If ChildHandle is NULL, then all the children of ControllerHandle are destroyed before the drivers are disconnected from ControllerHandle.

@retval EFI_SUCCESS 1) One or more drivers were disconnected from the controller. 2) On entry, no drivers are managing ControllerHandle. 3) DriverImageHandle is not NULL, and on entry DriverImageHandle is not managing ControllerHandle. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) ControllerHandle is NULL. 2) DriverImageHandle is not NULL, and it is not a valid EFI_HANDLE. 3) ChildHandle is not NULL, and it is not a valid EFI_HANDLE. 4) DriverImageHandle does not support the EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to disconnect any drivers from ControllerHandle. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The controller could not be disconnected because of a device error.

extern (C)
alias EFI_DISCONNECT_CONTROLLER = EFI_STATUS function @nogc nothrow
