Closes a protocol on a handle that was opened using OpenProtocol().

@paramin Handle The handle for the protocol interface that was previously opened with OpenProtocol(), and is now being closed. @paramin Protocol The published unique identifier of the protocol. @paramin AgentHandle The handle of the agent that is closing the protocol interface. @paramin ControllerHandle If the agent that opened a protocol is a driver that follows the UEFI Driver Model, then this parameter is the controller handle that required the protocol interface.

@retval EFI_SUCCESS The protocol instance was closed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER 1) Handle is NULL. 2) AgentHandle is NULL. 3) ControllerHandle is not NULL and ControllerHandle is not a valid EFI_HANDLE. 4) Protocol is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND 1) Handle does not support the protocol specified by Protocol. 2) The protocol interface specified by Handle and Protocol is not currently open by AgentHandle and ControllerHandle.

extern (C)
alias EFI_CLOSE_PROTOCOL = EFI_STATUS function @nogc nothrow
