8-byte (64 bit) physical address pointing to the firmware's in-memory copy of the image bitmap.
A 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned long describing the display X-offset of the boot image. (X, Y) display offset of the top left corner of the boot image. The top left corner of the display is at offset (0, 0).
A 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned long describing the display Y-offset of the boot image. (X, Y) display offset of the top left corner of the boot image. The top left corner of the display is at offset (0, 0).
1-byte enumerated type field indicating format of the image. 0 = Bitmap 1 - 255 Reserved (for future use)
1-byte status field indicating current status about the table. Bits[7:1] = Reserved (must be zero) Bit [0] = Valid. A one indicates the boot image graphic is valid.
2-bytes (16 bit) version ID. This value must be 1.
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Boot Graphics Resource Table definition.