Partition Format: (Unused values reserved). 0x01 - PC-AT compatible legacy MBR. 0x02 - GUID Partition Table.
Describes the entry in a partition table, starting with entry 1. Partition number zero represents the entire device. Valid partition numbers for a MBR partition are [1, 4]. Valid partition numbers for a GPT partition are [1, NumberOfPartitionEntries].
Size of the partition in units of Logical Blocks.
Starting LBA of the partition on the hard drive.
Signature unique to this partition: If SignatureType is 0, this field has to be initialized with 16 zeros. If SignatureType is 1, the MBR signature is stored in the first 4 bytes of this field. The other 12 bytes are initialized with zeros. If SignatureType is 2, this field contains a 16 byte signature.
Type of Disk Signature: (Unused values reserved). 0x00 - No Disk Signature. 0x01 - 32-bit signature from address 0x1b8 of the type 0x01 MBR. 0x02 - GUID signature.
The Hard Drive Media Device Path is used to represent a partition on a hard drive.