Blt a rectangle of pixels on the graphics screen. Blt stands for BLock Transfer.
@param This Protocol instance pointer.
@param BltBuffer The data to transfer to the graphics screen.
Size is at least Width*Height*sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL).
@param BltOperation The operation to perform when copying BltBuffer on to the graphics screen.
@param SourceX The X coordinate of source for the BltOperation.
@param SourceY The Y coordinate of source for the BltOperation.
@param DestinationX The X coordinate of destination for the BltOperation.
@param DestinationY The Y coordinate of destination for the BltOperation.
@param Width The width of a rectangle in the blt rectangle in pixels.
@param Height The height of a rectangle in the blt rectangle in pixels.
@param Delta Not used for EfiBltVideoFill or the EfiBltVideoToVideo operation.
If a Delta of zero is used, the entire BltBuffer is being operated on.
If a subrectangle of the BltBuffer is being used then Delta
represents the number of bytes in a row of the BltBuffer.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS BltBuffer was drawn to the graphics screen.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER BltOperation is not valid.
@retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device had an error and could not complete the request.
Blt a rectangle of pixels on the graphics screen. Blt stands for BLock Transfer.
@param This Protocol instance pointer. @param BltBuffer The data to transfer to the graphics screen. Size is at least Width*Height*sizeof(EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL). @param BltOperation The operation to perform when copying BltBuffer on to the graphics screen. @param SourceX The X coordinate of source for the BltOperation. @param SourceY The Y coordinate of source for the BltOperation. @param DestinationX The X coordinate of destination for the BltOperation. @param DestinationY The Y coordinate of destination for the BltOperation. @param Width The width of a rectangle in the blt rectangle in pixels. @param Height The height of a rectangle in the blt rectangle in pixels. @param Delta Not used for EfiBltVideoFill or the EfiBltVideoToVideo operation. If a Delta of zero is used, the entire BltBuffer is being operated on. If a subrectangle of the BltBuffer is being used then Delta represents the number of bytes in a row of the BltBuffer.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS BltBuffer was drawn to the graphics screen. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER BltOperation is not valid. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The device had an error and could not complete the request.