Performs read and write operations on the NVRAM device attached to a network interface.

@param This The protocol instance pointer. @param ReadWrite TRUE for read operations, FALSE for write operations. @param Offset Byte offset in the NVRAM device at which to start the read or write operation. This must be a multiple of NvRamAccessSize and less than NvRamSize. @param BufferSize The number of bytes to read or write from the NVRAM device. This must also be a multiple of NvramAccessSize. @param Buffer A pointer to the data buffer.

@retval EFI_SUCCESS The NVRAM access was performed. @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The network interface has not been started. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the parameters has an unsupported value. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command could not be sent to the network interface. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function is not supported by the network interface.

extern (C)
alias EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_NVDATA = EFI_STATUS function @nogc nothrow
